our angels charity Blog

Empowering Midwives
for Better Pregnancy Care 

our angels charity blog

Empowering Midwives
for Better Pregnancy Care 

HDH EPAU Midwives

Thanks to your generous donations, Our Angels funded a special opportunity for four incredible midwives from Harrogate District Hospital’s Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) to attend the AEPU Conference at York Barbican earlier this month. The two-day event on the 4th-5th November, provided valuable insights, new knowledge, and innovative practices in early pregnancy care that our midwives are excited to bring back to our community. 

The AEPU Conference is a vital gathering where healthcare professionals share the latest research and experiences in early pregnancy support, strengthening their skills to help families through this sensitive time. Our midwives returned inspired, with tools to continue providing the highest level of care at Harrogate District Hospital’s EPAU, which is dedicated to compassionate support for families in early pregnancy.

From Amanda, one of the midwives at Harrogate District Hospital:  
“On behalf of all of us, I just wanted to thank Our Angels for kindly funding our places at the two-day AEPU Conference in York. The conference program was full and relevant to our places of work, the speakers were inspirational, and we will all take back many learning points to our unit, allowing us to provide the best possible care to our families.”

Thank you for helping us support midwives who, in turn, provide essential care to families. 

Together, we’re making a real difference. 


#OurAngelsCharity #EPAU #EarlyPregnancyCare #AEPU2024 #HarrogateDistrictHospital #SupportingFamilies

our angels charity BLOG

Empowering Midwives
for Better Pregnancy Care 

HDH EPAU Midwives

Thanks to your generous donations, Our Angels funded a special opportunity for four incredible midwives from Harrogate District Hospital’s Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) to attend the AEPU Conference at York Barbican earlier this month. The two-day event on the 4th-5th November, provided valuable insights, new knowledge, and innovative practices in early pregnancy care that our midwives are excited to bring back to our community. 

The AEPU Conference is a vital gathering where healthcare professionals share the latest research and experiences in early pregnancy support, strengthening their skills to help families through this sensitive time. Our midwives returned inspired, with tools to continue providing the highest level of care at Harrogate District Hospital’s EPAU, which is dedicated to compassionate support for families in early pregnancy.

From Amanda, one of the midwives at Harrogate District Hospital:  
“On behalf of all of us, I just wanted to thank Our Angels for kindly funding our places at the two-day AEPU Conference in York. The conference program was full and relevant to our places of work, the speakers were inspirational, and we will all take back many learning points to our unit, allowing us to provide the best possible care to our families.”

Thank you for helping us support midwives who, in turn, provide essential care to families. 

Together, we’re making a real difference. 


#OurAngelsCharity #EPAU #EarlyPregnancyCare #AEPU2024 #HarrogateDistrictHospital #SupportingFamilies

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Help us to raise vital funds

You are welcome to contribute through donations, by participating in fundraising events, or by offering corporate sponsorship. Your support in any form greatly assists us in aiding families impacted by the loss of a baby.

Help us to raise vital funds

You are welcome to contribute through donations, by participating in fundraising events, or by offering corporate sponsorship. Your support in any form greatly assists us in aiding families impacted by the loss of a baby.

Help us to raise vital funds

You are welcome to contribute through donations, by participating in fundraising events, or by offering corporate sponsorship. 

Your support in any form greatly assists us in aiding families impacted by the loss of a baby.